Dulles Funeral & Cremation Center is a resource clearinghouse for people who have to make funeral arrangements, with specific contact information on providers in the Northern Virginia market.
The links at the top of the site can help you find a variety of information that may help with making decisions regarding funerals and cremation. The links in the sidebar and in the “News Feed” at the top will take you to a wide variety of resources that give the history and “big picture” perspective on the American funeral industry.
In addition, DullesFuneral.com is the host of the Rational Death Blog, where you’ll find regularly updated research and analysis on American funeral practices. The blog is an ongoing project designed to, over time, give an in-depth understanding of how funerals work and the many decisions that have to be made when someone dies and someone else needs to plan the funeral.
Click here for more information than you could possibly ever want about the site author, Joe Budzinski.